Monday, May 19, 2014

Reflections 2

This week, I shot photos where areas are captured through reflections for a different view.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Class Pics

This week, the class was assigned to replicate the styles of our classmates through portraits.We had to take a photo of each classmate in their style. Here is my work:

Avedon Style Portraits

Abstract, Textures

Street Photography, Reflections

Depth Staging, Green Plant Setting

Depth Staging, Photos with Sky

Street Photography

Avedon Style portraits

Stalker Vibe, Silhouettes

Doors, Windows, and Walls

Distance, City-scapes, and Trees

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Motion 4

This week I spent more time getting closer to physical objects instead of from afar and applying the same zooming techniques as before. It seemed to be pretty successful and unique compared to the obvious and somewhat repetitive street photos from earlier on in the series. This also made shooting easier because I could choose subjects in the shade allowing me to shoot with longer exposures.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Long Exposure #3/Motion

This week didn't change all that much in terms of methodology. However, I shot more photos indoors since it was becoming very bright and hard to maintain a balance of long exposure and low f-stops. This made shooting much easier to take. This week, I couldn't find time to take photos at night.

Day Shots: