Thursday, October 24, 2013

Avedon Portraits

This week, we started by watching a movie on Richard Avedon. While we watched the film, we analyzed the style and nature of the photos he took. His style for portraits included a plain white background, black and white filters, relatively close shot, and a sense of "honest intimacy" between the subject and the camera. This was an interesting project that came to a rocky start, especially trying to find a large enough white setting. I ended spending quite a bit of time on Adobe Photoshop trying to edit out wall blemishes, windows, and picture frames in order for all the attention to be focused on the subject.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Microworlds 2

This week were revisited the original microworlds assignment and I spent more time on Photshop...

Thursday, October 3, 2013


This week, we had to take pictures of "microworlds". Microworlds are pictures with small figurines as the focus and made to seem larger. This involved us using super close focus settings such as macro when we took our photos. Overall, it was pretty fun arranging little figurines into different scenarios with various book backgrounds.