Thursday, September 19, 2013


This week we were tasked with taking photos that included repetition. In addition to repetition, these photos were also supposed to capture depth using repetition. This wasn't too hard since once I found a repeating series, all I had to do was find a good angle for it. During editing, we were also assigned to switch all our photos to black and white again. Although I prefer not to filter my photos this way, it accentuates the repetitive qualities of the photos.


1 comment:

  1. Great Photos Gabe! i think you did a fantastic job exploring different angles when taking these pictures. i really love the picture of the classroom door window. that has many leading lines and the angle helps to create even more. I think that you could have done a better job on your second to last photo. it's very hard for me too see the leading lines. Maybe try to pick a new subject if you were to de it again.
